If you'd like the handout for the talk, click the title.
- TBC, Vicious Epistemic Cultures, summer.
- TBC, event in honour of Havi Carel, Contributor to Continental Philosophy, SPEP, 17-18 and 24-25 October (online).*
- TBC, 46th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2025 Feminist Philosophy - Language, Knowledge and Politics, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 10-16 August.*
- TBC, workshop on medical silencing, University of Ghent, 16-18 June.*
- TBC, Who Knows What? Experiential Knowledge in Mental Health Care, Radboud, 11-12 June.*
- 'Buddhism, Pessimism, and the Death of the Dharma', Spiritual Alienation and the Quest for God, University of Florida, 2-3 June.*
- 'Desire in the Buddhist Tradition', workshop on philosophy and desire, Nottingham, spring tbc.
- TBC, Brokenness and Repair: Sharing Practices and Perspectives between Japan and the UK, Oxford Brookes, 8-9 May.*
- TBC, Suffering and Attention, University of Tübingen, 16-17 April.*
- TBC, Ethics of Argumentation Speaker Series | Argnet, online, 4 April.*
- 'Pessimism and Despair', The Philosophy and Politics of Despair, University College Dublin, 22-23 January.
- 'Epistemic Corruption and Non-Ideal Epistemology', online workshop on Robin McKenna's Non-Ideal Epistemology, University of Cologne, 17 January.*
- 'Weltschmerz and the Historiography of Pessimism', Comparative and Historical Philosophy workshop, 10 January 2025.
- 'Depression and Hermeneutical Injustice', University of York, 13 December.*
- 'Midgley, Wickedness, and Vices', online work-in-progress seminar for the Wartime Quartet, 10 December.
- 'Religion and Radical Epistemic Injustice', University of Uppsala, 5 November 2024.*
- 'Feyerabend on Human Life, Abstraction, and the Conquest of Abundance', Philosophy of Science in the 20th Century: From the Vienna Circle to Paul Feyerabend, 8 October.*
- 'Silencing the Sick? Epistemic Injustice and Illness', panel discussion with Eleanor A. Byrne and Louise Richardson-Self, The Philosopher, online, 7 October.
- 'Epistemic Injustices, Healthcare, and Global Health', Redressing Epistemic Injustice in Global Health, Institute for Global Health and Development at Queen Margaret University, online, 20 September.*
- A workshop on Anna Leuschner and Manuela Fernández Pinto's book Epistemic Intimidation, Wupperthal, 11 September.
- 'When Rituals Fail', Ritual and Practice in Chinese Philosophy, University of Bristol, 6 September.
- 'Wickedness and Misanthropy', The Moral Philosophy of Mary Midgley, Nottingham, 16-17 July 2024.
- 'Depression and Hermeneutical Injustice', Trauma, Depression, and Philosophy of Psychiatry, Nottingham, 10 June.
- 'Buddhism, Pessimistic Misanthropy, and Spiritual Alienation', Spiritual Alienation and the Quest for God, University of Florida, 4 June.*
- 'Contingency, Pluralism, and Humility in Against Method', Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology-12 Feyerabend Centennial Conference, UT Dallas., 23-25 May (virtual).
- 'Depression and Hermeneutical Injustice', 11th International Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable, 9-10 May (virtual).
- 'The Complexity of Epistemic Injustice', Neurodivergence, Justice, and Belonging, University of Galway, 3-4 May.*
- 'Depression and Hermeneutical Injustice', Philosophy Research Group, Swansea, 26 April.*
- 'Collective Epistemic Failings and the Fragility of Values', Institutional Virtues, Political Decision-Making, and Communication under Uncertainty, UCD, 15 March (virtual).*
- 'Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare', Association of Medical Research Charities Annual Conference, 27 February.* (Cancelled due to illness)
- 'How To Be A Misanthrope', department research seminar, University of Keele, 23 January 2024.*
- 'Spiritual Exemplars, Suspiciousness, and Scientism', Spiritual Exemplars in Philosophy, Theology, and Religion, University of Macau, 14 December.*
- 'Grief and Pessimism', Grief Project Christmas Lecture, University of York, 12 December.* [handout]
- A brief talk on epistemic injustice and illness, Project EPIC workshop, 11 December.*
- A Q&A about 'engaged Buddhism', Southern Illinois University, 28 November,*
- 'Misanthropy', department research seminar, University of Durham, 22 November.*
- 'Buddhism, Pessimism, and Weltschmerz', History of Philosophy, Nottingham, 7 November.
- 'Misanthropy', department research seminar, University of Sheffield, 27 October.*
- 'Pseudoscience After Paul Feyerabend' (video), The Philosopher online autumn series, 25 September.*
- 'Misanthropy and Transhumanism', Transhumanism, Nottingham, 21 September.
- 'Should We Really Be "Charging Others with Epistemic Vice"?', New Directions in Virtue and Vice Epistemology, 12 September.*
- 'The Phenomenology of Grief, Silence, and Language', Silence and Psychopathology, University of Bristol, 1 September.*.
- Here is a write-up of this event.
- 'Bright-siding, Narrative, and Metaphor', Narrative, Mental Health, and Experiences of Adversity, co-organised with Craig French, Nottingham, 3o August 2023
- 'What Roles for the Sciences in Doctrines of Misanthropy?', Sixteenth Integrated HPS, University of Durham, 11th July.
- 'Extremism, Multidimensionalism, and Myopia', Extreme Beliefs and Behaviour, VU Amsterdam, 28-29 June* [video]
- 'Midgley, Myopia, and Metaphilosophy', Wartime Quarter: Significance, Legacy, Spirit, University of Durham, 9th June.
- 'Being A Misanthrope', What Matters Most, Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, 7th June.*
- A short talk on philosophy of illness, Health Humanities seminar series, University of Nottingham, 1 June.*
- 'Epistemic Myopia', Epistemic Virtues and Vices in a Non-Ideal World, University of Nottingham, 2 June.
- 'Aesthetic Myopia', Achievement and Happiness, University of Glasgow, 4-5 May.*
- 'A Philosophical Defence of Misanthropy', Theology and Religious Studies Distance Learning MA Residential, Nottingham, 25 April.*
- 'Diversification, Decolonisation, and the Curriculum', University of York, 24 April.*
- 'Xenia, Hospitality, and Misanthropy', Ancient Philosophy, University of Nottingham, 21 April.
- 'The State-of-the-Art in Vice Epistemology', OZSW graduate seminar, Eindhoven University of Technology, 19th April.*
- 'Bright-siding and Truthfulness about Experiences of Illness', DIScourse seminar series on philosophy of disability and illness, 17 April.*
- 'Bright-siding and Truthfulness about Experiences of Illness', Authenticity in Narratives, University of Nottingham, 4 April.
- 'Curricular Diversification and Metaphilosophical Myopia', Trinity College Dublin, March 28th.*
- 'Opacity and Trust in Institutions', Policy, Expertise and Trust, University College Dublin, March 24.*
- 'Misanthropy, Monasticism, and Mokṣa', Global Philosophy of Religions, University of Nottingham, 7th March.
- 'Philosophical Misanthropy', Department of Philosophy seminar, University of Warwick, 8 February.*
- 'Depression and Hermeneutical Injustice', Unit of Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology, University of Vienna, 19 January.*
- ‘Metaphilosophical Myopia and Curricular Diversification’, PESGB seminar series, University of Birmingham, 18 January.*
- '"The Hermeneutic Problem of Psychiatry": Challenging the 'Coproduction of Meaning'', co-presented with Lucienne Spencer, philosophy of psychiatry event, University of Manchester, 10 January.*
- 'Depression and Hermeneutical Injustice', Epistemic Injustice in the Medical Context, UC Irvine, 17-18 November [draft] [handout].*
- A panel on 'Historical Vice Epistemology: History of Humanities Meets Vice Epistemology', History of the Humanities (online), 3 November.* [handout]
- A roundtable discussion with Lucienne Spencer and Edward Harcourt, Philosophy of Psychiatry and Lived Experience, Manchester, 28 September.* [handout]
- ‘Metaphilosophical Myopia and Curricular Diversification’, seminar series on epistemic injustice, organised by Alex Nikolaidis and Winston C. Thompson, 12 September.*
- A session on religion, pessimism, and misanthropy with David E. Cooper, Mirfield Philosophy of Religion Colloquium, 6-9 September.*
- ‘Curricular Diversification and Metaphilosophical Myopia', Philosophy of Education Workshop, University of Nottingham, 1 September.
- ‘Closedmindedness and the Curriculum’, PSCGB summer school, Liverpool Hope University, 25-27 July.*
- 'Epistemic Injustices in Psychiatric Research and Practice', Mind, Mental Health, and Epistemic Injustice, University of Nottingham, 20 July [ handout | audio ]
- 'Civic Virtue, Corrupting Social Realities, and Cynicism', Civic Virtues and Civic Vices, University of Bristol, 13 July.*
- ‘Vices, Myopia, and Experiences of Beauty’, Social Epistemology and Aesthetics, The Scottish Aesthetics Forum, University of St Andrews, 1-2 July.*
- 'Quietism', Climate Crisis Education, University of Sheffield, 27 June.*
- ‘Misanthropy and Misology in Ancient Greek Philosophy’, Ancient Philosophy Workshop, University of Nottingham, 23 June.
- 'Gardens of Refuge, Innocence, and Fragility', Cultivating One’s Garden: Eastern and Western Perspectives, 9-10 June. University of Exeter.*
- ‘Loneliness and Interpersonal Connection’, University of Birmingham, 18 May.*
- 'Engaged Buddhism', Global Divesity Festival, University of Nottingham, 3 May.
- 'Myopia and Public Philosophy', Philosophy and Public Life, Joint Nottingham-Cambridge Minorities in Philosophy Conference, 25 April.*
- 'Truthfulness and Experiences of Illness', Department of Philosophy seminar, University of Cardiff, 23 March.*
- A short talk at the ICONIC illness narratives group, University of Nottingham, 16th March.*
- 'Truthfulness and Experiences of Illness', Department of Philosophy seminar, University of Bristol, 10 March.*
- 'The Bell-Clapper of Heaven: Confucius on Grieving the Loss of Moral Possibilities', Department of Philosophy seminar, University of Warwick, 2 March.* (cancelled due to industrial action)
- 'Should Buddhists Be Social Activists?', Philosophy Society, University of York, 15 February.*
- 'Buddhism, Science, and Soteriology', Buddhist Philosophy Workshop, University of Nottingham, 11 November.
- 'Understanding Resistance to EDI Work', Association of Medical Research Charities, 7th September.*
- 'When Institutional Opacity Meets Individual Vulnerability: Institutional Testimonial Injustice', co-presented talk with Havi Carel, Testimonial Injustice, University College Dublin, 18 June.*
- 'How to Live Well: Let's Talk About Mary Midgley', with Ellie Robson and Amber Donovan, HowTheLightGetsIn festival, 29th May.*
- 'Character, Vices, and Authority', a panel discussion with Heather Battaly and Casey Johnson, The Philosophical Society of England, 13 May 2021.*
- 'The Bright-Siding of Buddhism', Department of Philosophy seminar, University of Nottingham, 5 May 2021.
- 'Epistemic Injustice and Psychiatry', University of Tokyo PPP (Philosophy of Psychiatry and Psychology) Group, 26 April.*
- 'Midgley on the 1980s Battle to Save Philosophy', the Midgley Archive Launch, British Society for the History of Philosophy, 22 April.*
- 'Misanthropy, Hatred, and Violence', panel on misanthropy, Central APA, 24 February 2021 (online).*
- Organiser: Raja Halwani. Chair: Kate Norlock. Other panellists: David E. Cooper and Lisa Gerber.
- 'Misanthropy as the Moral Condemnation of Humanity', Radical Philosophy: The 2020 British Postgraduate Philosophy Conference, University of Manchester, 27 November.*
- 'The Virtues and Vices of Misanthropy', interview, Demystifying Science 27 September (online).*
- ‘Misanthropy and Animals’, interview with Mara-Daria Cojocaru for project Towards an Animal-Assisted Philosophy, 5 September 2020 (online).*
- ‘How To Be A Misanthrope’, online interview with Anthony Morgan for The Philosophical Society of England, 24 August 2020 (online).*
- 'Overcoming Resistance to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives', Research Leaders' Forum, Nottingham, 12 August 2020.*
- 'From Vice Epistemology to Critical Character Epistemology', COGITO Zoom workshop, 15 July 2020.*
- 'Philosophising about Misanthropy', Misanthropy, University of Nottingham (cancelled due to COVID-19).
- ‘From ‘Feminine Vices’ to ‘Negative Virtues’ – Astell and Wollstonecraft as Feminist Vice Epistemologists’, British Society for the History of Philosophy 2020 Annual Conference: Women in the History of Philosophy, Durham University, 22-25 April (cancelled due to COVID-19).
- ‘Philosophical Misanthropy’, Department of Philosophy seminar, University of Durham 13 February.* (cancelled due to trade union activity).
- 'Classifying Epistemic Virtues', Departmental work-in-progress seminar, Nottingham, 5 February."
- '"Corrupting the Youth"? Character Education and the Vices of the Mind', Centre for Ethics and Education, Liverpool Hope University, 22 January.*
- 'Philosophical Misanthropy', Philosophy Now Festival, Conway Hall, London, 18 January.*
- 'Contingency, Pluralism, and Historiography: The Case of Character Epistemologies of Science', Turning the Mirror: From Scientific Pluralism to Pluralism in HPS, University of Exeter, 8 January.*
- 'Confronting Reasons for Resistance to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives', Senior Leader's Forum, University of Nottingham, 12 November.*
- 'Suffering, Vulnerability, and Vices', a symposium on Michael Brady's book, Suffering and Virtue, University of Bristol, 5 November.*
- 'Taking "Inner Beauty" Seriously', Nottingham University Philosophy Society, Nottingham, 22 October.
- 'Thinking as Wide as the World', a centenary event for Mary Midgley, Conway House, London, 7 September.
- 'Being Good at Philosophy and Being Good at Academic Philosophy', 1st Universitas 21 Philosophy Postgraduate Conference, Nottingham, 17 July.*
- 'Pluralism about Virtues and Values in Science', Fifteenth Annual Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, University of Exeter, 20-21 June.
- 'Silencing the Sick? Epistemic Injustice and Illness', with Havi Carel for the Fulbright Summer School, University of Bristol, 19 June.*
- 'Pathophobia, Illness, and Vices', Centre for Health, Humanities, and Science, University of Bristol, 18 June.
- 'Straightening out ‘the crooked timber of humanity’: Kant, Misanthropy, and Enlightenment',Enlightenment Today: A Retrospective, University of Nottingham, 17 June.*
- 'Four Reasons for Resistance to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives', Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Postgraduate Research, University of Nottingham, 5 June.*
- 'Pathophobia: Illness, Vices, and Oppression', Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture series, University of Exeter, 31 May.*
- 'Confucianism, Beauty, and the Body', Undergraduate Philosophy Society, University of Exeter, 30 May.*
- 'Misanthropy', MA Philosophy Conference, University of York, 21 May.*
- 'Epistemic Vices and Social Oppression', University of Connecticut, 26-27 April.*
- 'Diversity, Inclusion, and the Dangers of Backfiring', Joint Stirling-St Andrews Minorities and Philosophy workshop, University of St Andrews, 19 April.*
- 'Pathophobia, Illness, and Vices', Centre for Transnational and Transcultural Research, University of Wolverhampton, 10 April.*
- 'Epistemically Corrupting Education', Good Judgment, Critical Thinking, and Epistemic Virtues in Academic Education, Vrije Universitas Amsterdam, 3-4 April.*
- 'Epistemic Vices and Epistemic Corruption', Vices of the Mind, University of Nottingham, 8 March.
- 'Aspirations, Exemplars, and Spirituality', Centre for Philosophy of Religion, University of Roehampton, 11 December.*
- 'Illness, Vices, and Social Oppression', Annual General Meeting of the Scots Philosophical Association, 6 - 7 December, University of Aberdeen.*
- 'Daoism, Virtues, and the 'Way of Heaven'', Minorities and Philosophy, University of York, 22 November.*
- 'Pathophobia, Vices, and the 'Awfulness' of Illness'', Department of Philosophy, University of York, 21 November.*
- 'Epistemic Corruption, Integrity, and the Impact Agenda', Philosophy of Education seminar, University of Sheffield, 20 November.*
- 'Pathophobia, Vices, and Vulnerabililty', University College Dublin, 16 November.*
- 'Feyerabend, Science, and Scientism' , UCL Science and Technology Studies Department, 14 November.*
- 'Mary Midgley on our Need for (Good) Philosophy', Mary Midgley Archive Launch, Durham, 10 November.*
- 'Truthfulness, Inclusion, and Education'', workshop on Inclusive Education, University of Nottingham, 5 November.
- 'Beauty and Crafts in Japanese Culture', Debbie Bryan's, Lacemarket, Nottingham, 9 September.*
- 'Virtues Under Threat: Epistemic Corruption and Vice in Higher Education', Virtues in the University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, August 20-22.*
- 'Pathophobia, Vices, and the Oppression of Ill Persons', Understanding Value VII, University of Sheffield, 20 July.*
- 'Epistemic Vices and Social Oppression', University of Sheffield, 9 July.
- 'Daoism, Humanity, and the Way of Heaven', Philosophy of Religions: Cross-Cultural, Multi-Religious Approaches, University of Leeds, 3 July.*
- 'Theorising Epistemic Vices in Scientific Practice', Fourteenth Annual Integrated HPS Conference, University College London, 20 June.
- 'The Vices of Epistemic Laziness'', Bloomsbury Epistemology Group, Senate House, London, 16 April.*
- 'Obstruction or Oppression? Two Frameworks for Applied Vice Epistemology', Political Polarisation and Epistemic Arrogance, University of Connecticut, 6-7 April.*.
- 'Epistemic Vices, Illness, and Healthcare', interview with Why We Argue podcast, April.
- 'Daoism, Humanity, and the Way of Heaven', Exploring Chinese Philosophy, University of Nottingham, 26 March.
- 'Higher Education and the Vices of Epistemic Laziness', Philosophy of Education Research Seminar, Centre for Philosophy of Education, UCL Institute of Educationm 31 January.*
- 'Historicising Vice Epistemology', Epistemic Vices: Continuities and Discontinuities, 1600-2000, Leiden University, 25-26 January.*
- 'Chilly Climates and Academic Cultures', Progress in Philosophy, University of Nottingham, 11 January.*
- 'Early Modern Vice Epistemology', Nottingham Workshop on Early Modern Science and Mathematics, University of Nottingham, 18 December.*
- 'People, Politeness, and Politics in the UK', Keiai University, 18 November.*
- 'Education and Epistemic Corruption', Education and Applied Philosophy: East and West, Kyoto University, 15 November.*
- Response to Lani Watson and Yuki Yamaguchi, Hiroshima University, 13 November.*
- 'Appraising Metaphors for Argumentation', Addressing Arrogance and Polarisation in Debate, University of Cardiff, 7 November.* (audio)
- 'Epistemic Corruption', EIDYN Epistemology Research Group, University of Edinburgh, 1 November.* (audio)
- A Masters seminar on vice epistemology and education, University of Edinburgh, 1 November.*
- 'Admiration, Attraction, and the Aesthetics of Exemplarity', Exemplars and Exemplarism: Theory, Sources, and Practices, Aretai Center on Virtues, University of Genoa, 5-6 October.*
- 'The Vices of Epistemic Laziness', Epistemic Vice and Corruption, University of Nottingham, 12-13 September.
- 'Exemplarism and the Spiritual Life', British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, 8 September.
- 'Intellectual Corruption and Education: Do Lectures Make You Lazier?', Justice and Education: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Summer School, University of Birmingham, 5 September.*
- 'Theorising Epistemic Vice: Obstruction or Oppression?', Philosophy of Oppression, University of Nottingham, 31 August.
- 'Appraising Metaphors for Philosophical Practice', European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ECAP), LMU Munich, 21 - 26 August.
- Panel on Virtuous Adversariality, with Catarina Dutilh-Novaes, Matthew Duncombe, and Andrew Aberdein.
- 'The Vices of Epistemic Laziness', work-in-progress seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, 2 August.
- 'The Aesthetics of Religious Exemplarity', Religious Aesthetics, University of Nottingham, 27 July.
- 'Epistemic Injustice, Illness, and Healthcare', co-presented with Havi Carel, Harms and Wrongs in Epistemic Practice, Royal Institute of Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Sheffield, 3-4 July.*
- 'Epistemic Corruption and Education: A Vice-Epistemological Account', Corrupting Education: Epistemic Virtue and Vice in Higher Education, University of Sheffield, 31 June.
- 'Feyerabend on the Deep Contingency of Science', Twelfth Annual UK Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop, University of Nottingham, 21-22 June.
- I participated in the Wisdom and Adversity seminar at Fordham University, 14-16 June.
- 'Strategies of Resistance and How to Counteract Them', The Profession We Want: Ways to Improve Philosophy (a SWIP-BPA conference), University of Manchester, 15-16 May 2017.
- 'Diversity, Resistance, and Education', Philosophy of Education and Diversity in Philosophy, Edinburgh Women in Philosophy Group Spring Workshop, 28 April.*
- 'Exemplars, Virtues, and the Cosmos', Virtue Forum, Centre for Human Flourishing, University of Oklahoma, 21 April.*
- ‘Deep Conceptions of Epistemic Vice’, Pacific APA, Seattle, 12-15 April.
- Panel on Epistemic Vice, with Heather Battaly, Quassim Cassam, and Alessandra Tanesini.
- 'Illness, Edification, and Autonomy', How Does Suffering Augment Autonomy at End of Life?, University of Glasgow, 18 March.*
- 'Epistemic Corruption and Pathologies of Public Discourse', Pathologies of Public Discourse, University of Copenhagen, 19 December.
- 'Epistemic Corruption in Climate Science: A Vice Epistemological Account', Exploration and Epistemic Corruption in Science, National University of Singapore, 10 December.*
- ‘Taking "Inner Beauty" Seriously’, Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture, Oxford Brookes University, November 16.*
- ‘Why Philosophy Is Not (Yet) Just’, Just Philosophy: Gender, Race, and Class in Philosophical Practice, Nottingham, November 8.
- 'How We Create 'Chilly Climates' in our Classrooms, and What to do About Them', Centre for Teaching, School of Politics, Nottingham, 3 November.*
- ‘Appraising Metaphors of Illness’, department seminar, University of Bristol, 20 October.*
- ‘"Following the Way of Heaven": Exemplars, Emulationism, and Daoism’, department seminar, University of Nottingham, 12 October.*
- ‘Education, Edification, and Epistemic Corruption’, The Epistemic Aims of Education, University of Edinburgh, 5 October.* (video)
- ‘A Deep Conception of Epistemic Vice’, Intellectual Vices, University of Cardiff, 3 October.*
- ‘Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat: Understanding and Responding To Them’, department seminar, University of Edinburgh, 23 September 2016.*
- 'How We Create 'Chilly Climates' in our Classrooms, and What to do About Them', Senior Fellows Network, Nottingham, 14 September.*
- ‘What is a Religious Exemplar?’, 4th Biennial Philosophy of Religion Conference, University of Glasgow, 25-26 May.
- ‘Illness, Ethics, and Exemplarism’, Value, Context and Narrative in Medical Epistemology and Health Care Practice, University of Oxford, 3-4 May.*
- ‘Education, Edification, and Corruption’, Philosophy of Education seminar, Nottingham Trent University, 19 April.*
- ‘Epistemic Corruption and Medical Epistemology: The Case of Epistemic Injustice’, Medical Knowledge in a Social World, UC Irvine, 28 March.
- ‘Epistemic Corruption, Vice, and Blame’, Vice and Blame, UC Fullerton, 25 March.*
- ‘Can Illness Make Me A Better Person?’, Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture, Lancaster, 15 March.*
- 'Illness, Ethics, and Literature', faculty research evening, University of Nottingham, 10 March.*
- ‘Suffering, Scriptures, and Religious Exemplars’, Religion, Spirituality, and Suffering, University of Leeds, 4 March.
- 'Beautiful Souls, Vicious Minds: An "Aesthetics of the Intellect"', philosophy society, University of Hertfordshire, 18 February.*
- ‘Thinking Together: Virtue, Sociality, and Metaphor’, department seminar, University of Hertfordshire, 18 February.*
- ‘Feyerabend – Feminist Philosopher of Science?’, SWIP Ireland Annual Conference: Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, UC Dublin, 28 November.
- ‘Learning From the Best: Literary Style and Exemplarist Ethics in Confucius’ Analects’, University College Cork, 24 November.*
- ‘Climate Science, Manufactured Dissent, and Epistemic Vice’, The Epistemic Role of Manufactured Dissent in Climate Science, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlsruhe, Germany, 28-29 October.
- 'What is African Philosophy?', World Philosophies lecture series, Durham Undergraduate Philosophical Society, 10 October.*
- ‘Can We Retain Confidence in Philosophy in the Light of Implicit Bias?’, Implicit Bias, University of Leeds, 15 October (keynote)*
- 'Charging Others With Epistemic Vice', Epistemic Vices, 2 September.
- ‘Epistemic Humility in Fin-de-Siècle Intellectual Culture’, Epistemic Virtues in the Sciences and the Humanities, Utrecht, 27 August (keynote)*
- ‘Feyerabend on the Contingency of Science’, Feyerabend 2015: Forty Years ‘Against Method’, Durham, 15-16 July.
- ‘How To Train Others to Combat Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat’, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Leeds, 16 June.*
- ‘Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat’, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Leeds, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Leeds, 15 June.*
- ‘Are Climate Change Deniers Epistemically Dogmatic?’, Climate Science, Values, and Policy, Durham, 28 May.
- ‘Thinking Together: Virtue, Sociality, and Metaphor’, Virtuous Adversariality, Durham, May 26.
- ‘What’s So Great About Feyerabend?’, 5th Annual Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference, UT Dallas, 19-22 May.
- ‘Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat’, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Leeds, 13 May.*
- ‘Deep Humility: The Metaphysics of Intellectual Humility’, Intellectual Humility, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 25 April.
- ‘Resistance to Efforts to Improve the Representation of Women in Philosophy’, Responsibility and Resistance: Diversity and Inclusion Group Spring Workshop, Durham, 22 April.
- ‘Why Did Feyerabend Defend Astrology? Lessons for Integrated HPS’, Tenth Annual Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop, Durham, 17 April.
- ‘Illness, Implicit Bias, and Intersectionality’, Medical Humanities seminar series, University of Hull, 4 March.*
- ‘Gender Action in Philosophy’, Women in Philosophy Good Practice, SWIP Ireland, University College Dublin, 28 February.*
- ‘Good Blokes and Implicit Bias’, University College Dublin, 27 February.*
- ‘Learning from the Best: Literary Style and Ethical Exemplarism in Confucius’ Analects’, Centre for Ethics, University of Leeds, 25 February.*
- ‘Philosophy, Sexism, and Activism’, Durham University Arts and Humanities Society, 11 February.*
- ‘Epistemic Humility: Virtue, Argumentation, Status, and Bias’, EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, Durham University, 10 February.
- ‘Learning from the Best: Ethical Exemplarism in Confucius’ Analects’, World Philosophies, Durham University Philosophical Society, 20 January.*
- ‘Religious Beauties’. Centre for Philosophy of Religion, University of Leeds, 20 November.*
- ‘Anthropogenic Climate Change, Humility, and ‘Epistemic Activism’’, Philosophy and Public Policy, Durham University, 31 October.
- ‘Charles Hoy Fort, ‘the Foe of Science’, and the Historiography of Scientific Anomalies’, Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds, 28 October.*
- ‘Beautiful Souls, Vicious Minds, and the ‘Aesthetics of the Intellect’’, Durham University Philosophical Society. 23 October.*
- ‘Science and Spirituality’, Newcastle Philosophical Society, 20 September.*
- ‘Epistemic Injustice, Illness, and Philosophy’, British Postgraduate Philosophy Conference, University of Leeds, 10 September.*
- ‘Epistemic Injustice and Illness’ (co-authored with Havi Carel), Understanding Epistemic Injustice, University of Bristol, 26 June.
- ‘Confidence, Humility, and Philosophy’, EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, Durham University, 17 June.
- ‘Silencing the Sick’, Patient Knowledge and Involvement in Healthcare, University of Lancaster, 12 May.
- ‘Chilly Climates and ‘the Nice Bloke Trap’, Bias, Blokes, and Brunch, GAG/EIDOS, Durham University, 30 April.
- ‘Academic Integrity Up in Smoke?’, Integrity Lost, Integrity (Re)Gained, Newcastle Literary & Philosophical Society, 12 April.
- ‘Deep Wonder’, Wonder Symposium, Durham University, 19 March.*
- ‘Religious Existentialism’, ‘Existential Café’, Durham University Philosophical Society 27 February.*
- ‘Why Most Debates About Science and Religion Don’t Work’, Durham University Theology Society, 26 February.*
- ‘Credibility Attributions in Healthcare Encounters’, North-East Medical Humanities Postgraduate and Early Career Network, Durham University, 23 January.
- ‘Epistemic Injustice and Illness’. Concepts of Health Seminar Series, Kings College London, 26 November.*
- ‘Kitcher, Rawls, and Public Reason’. The Special Role of Science in a Liberal Democracy. University of Copenhagen, 21 November.
- ‘What’s So Great About Science?’. Newcastle Philosophical Society, 2 November.*
- ‘Confidence, Humility, and the Collapse of Western Civilization’. Durham University Philosophical Society. 24 October.•
- ‘Buddhism, Science, and Soteriology’. Philosophy in Cross-Cultural Context. University of Durham, 11 July.
- ‘Experiences of Illness and Narratives of Edification’, Illness, Narrative, Phenomenology, University of Bristol, 9 July.
- ‘Unconceived Alternatives and Epistemic Humility’. Unconceived Alternatives and Scientific Realism. University of Durham, 1-2 July.
- ‘Silencing the Sick: Epistemic Injustice and Illness’ (co-authored with Havi Carel). Centre for Medical Humanities seminar, University of Durham, 24 June.*
- ‘Nature’s Mystery’. International Society for Environmental Ethics: Tenth Annual Meeting on Environmental Philosophy. University of East Anglia, 12-14 June.
- ‘Epistemic Humility’. Cambridge Philosophy of Science (CAMPoS). University of Cambridge, 22 May.*
- ‘Can Experiences of Illness Be Morally Improving?’ Understanding Human Flourishing, University of Durham, 16-17 May.
- ‘Are There Scholarly Virtues?’, Castle Scholars Seminar Series, Durham Castle, 1 May.*
- ‘Integrated HPS Is Necessary To Understand the Role of Epistemic Virtues in Science: The Case of Crookes’ Spooks’. Eighth UK Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop: Convincing the Sceptics, University of Aberdeen, 11-12 April.
- ‘Silencing the Sick’ (co-authored with Havi Carel) Department of Philosophy Research Seminar. University of Hull, 5 March.*
- ‘Experiences of Illness and Narratives of Moral Growth’. Narrating Time seminar series, University of Durham, 21 February.*
- ‘Epistemic Injustice and Illness’ (co-authored with Havi Carel). Department of Philosophy Research Seminar, University of Lancaster, 6 February.*
- ‘Was Sir William Crookes Epistemically Virtuous?’, Psychical Research in the History of Medicine and the Sciences, University College London, 25-29 January.
- ‘Is Scientism Epistemically Vicious?’. Department of Philosophy Research Seminar, University of Durham, 17 January.
- ‘Mystery, Transcendence, and Scientism’. Durham University Philosophical Society, 11 October.*
- ‘Is Naturalism Bleak?’. EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society Summer Workshop, 9 October.
- ‘Science, Choice, and Hegemony: Making Sense of Feyerabend’s Political Philosophy’. Reassessing Feyerabend’s Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 8-12 September.*
- ‘What Are The Proper Objects of Philosophical Enquiry?’. EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society Summer Workshop, 20 July.
- ‘Recovering Edification as a Source of Value’. Understanding Value, University of Sheffield, 11-13 July.
- ‘Wittgenstein, Feyerabend, and Scientism’. Wittgenstein on Scientism, Durham University, 3 July.
- ‘Happy Marriage or Ménage A Trois? Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, Third-Party Mediators, and Virtue Epistemology’, Seventh UK Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop: The Many Ways of Integrating HPS, UCL, 28-29 June.
- ‘We Should Reject Inevitabilism’. Historiography and the Philosophy of the Sciences, University of Durham, 25 June.
- ‘Is The Scientific Style of Explanation Privileged?’. EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, University of Durham, 21 June.
- ‘Charles Hoy Fort, “The Foe of Science”: Presenting An Entirely Unknown Antecedent to Thomas Kuhn and His Model of Science’. History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine Workshop, University of Durham, 19 June.
- ‘Scepticism about Secularism’. Durham University Humanist and Secularist Society, 18 June.*
- ‘What Is Scientism?’ History and Philosophy of Science Seminar, University of Leeds, 2 May.*
- ‘Can An Epistemically Virtuous Archaeologist Repatriate Human Remains?’ Durham University Archaeology Society Conference, 28 April.*
- ‘Is Scientism Epistemically Vicious?’ (New) Atheism, Scientism and Open-mindedness, University of Lancaster, 2-3 April.
- ‘Can Illness Be Edifying?’, Department of Philosophy Research Seminar, University of Durham, 23 February.
- ‘What is Scientism?’ EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, University of Durham, 18 January.
- ‘Angelic Epistemology, the ‘Worms of the Earth’, and the Land of the Lotus-Eaters’. Durham University Philosophical Society, 14 October.*
- ‘Phenomenology, Naturalism, and Epistemic Virtues’. Phenomenology and Naturalism, Royal Institute of Philosophy conference 2011, University of the West of England, 31 August-2 September.
- ‘Beauty, Virtue, and Ageing’. EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society Summer Workshop, University of Durham, 28 July.
- ‘What Can the History of Science Tell Us About its Future?’ British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference, University of Exeter, 14-17 July.
- ‘Feyerabend, Kuhn, and Virtue Epistemology’. British Society for the Philosophy of Science, University of Sussex, 7-8 July.
- ‘A Role for Epistemic Virtues in Archaeological Practice? The Case of ‘Epistemic Beneficence’’. Third Biennial Conference of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice, University of Exeter, 22-24 June.
- ‘Can Illness Be Edifying?’ EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, University of Durham, 19 May.
- ‘Beauty, Virtue, and Scientific Inquiry’. Aesthetics Workshop, University of Durham, 18 May.
- ‘The Moral Historiography of Epistemic Humility as a Problem for Integrated History and Philosophy of Science’. Sixth Annual Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop. University of Cambridge, 18-19 April.
- ‘Teaching Intellectual Virtues Using HPS’. Sixth Annual Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop. University of Cambridge, 18-19 April.*
- ‘Phenomenology and the Solubility of Science and Religion Disputes’. Applied Phenomenology Workshop, University of Durham, 14 April.
- ‘Truthfulness and the Prospects for Philip Kitcher’s ‘Public Reason’’. EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, University of Durham, 10 March.
- ‘Must Science Remain A Feature of Future Human Cultures?’ Department of Philosophy Research Seminar, University of Durham, 10 February 2011.
- ‘Can Theological Virtues Be Secularised?’ Religion and Catastrophes Interdisciplinary Workshop, Institute for Hazard, Risk and Resilience, University of Durham, 15 December.
- ‘Pluralism, Humility, and the Radical Contingency of Science’. Science, Contingency, and Pluralism, University of Durham, 30 November.
- ‘The True, the Good, and the Value of Science’. Twelfth Annual Durham-Bergen Conference, University of Durham, 13 November.
- ‘Sciences, Futures, and Utopia’. Ustinov Seminar / Institute of Advanced Study, University of Durham, 6 November.*
- ‘Is It Intellectually Virtuous To Be An Epistemic Pluralist?’ Fifth Annual Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop. University of Exeter, 27-28 June.
- ‘Feyerabend, Mill, and Pluralism’, EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, University of Durham, 13 May.
- ‘Science, Religion, and Human Life’. Ustinov Seminar, University of Durham, 1 May.*
- ‘Phenomenology, Historicity, and Modernity’. Applied Phenomenology workshop, University of Durham, 20 April.
- ‘Pluralism For Progress: A Critique of ‘Integrative Medicine’’. Progress in Medicine. University of Bristol, 13-15 April.
- ‘Pluralism and the Ineffability of Reality in the Later Philosophy of Paul Feyerabend’. Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London, 24 March.*
- ‘Art and Science’ (with Chiara Ambrosio, UCL STS). The Stage, University College London (Beacon bursary-funded public event), 22 March.*
- ‘Realism, Pluralism, and the ‘Problem of Reality’ in the Later Philosophy of Paul Feyerabend’. History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine workshop, University of Durham, 25 February.
- ‘Humility, Hubris, and Scientific Absolutism’. Graduate Epistemology Workshop, University of Edinburgh, 29 November.
- ‘Zhuangzi, Perspectivism, and Intellectual Virtues’. EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, University of Durham, 18 November.
- ‘Science, Pseudoscience, and the Demarcation Problem’. Exploring the Extraordinary, University of York, 31 October.
- ‘The Limits of Science: Contingency, Cognitive Capacity, and Human Cultures’. EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, University of Durham, 14 October.
- ‘Pluralism and Intellectual Virtues: A Critique of Metaphysical Naturalism’. British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, Kings College London, 14-15 July.
- ‘Rethinking Epistemological Dadaism: Feyerabend on Theory and Practice in Art and Science’. Fourth Annual Joint Integrated History and Philosophy of Science workshop, University of Durham, 1 June.
- ‘Being ‘At Home’ In the World in an Age of Science’. Ustinov Seminar/Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Durham, 14 March.*
- ‘Oswald Spengler, Technology, and Human Nature: Man and Technics as Philosophical Anthropology’. EIDOS postgraduate society, University of Durham, 1 March.
- ‘Homer vs. Xenophanes: Or, Where Did All The Gods Go? Feyerabend’s Radical Philosophical Historiography’, EIDOS Postgraduate Philosophy Society, 12 November.
- ‘Feyerabend’s Humanitarian Critique of Science’. British Society for the Philosophy of Science, University of St Andrews, 10-11 July.
- ‘Science, Epistemic Activities, and Metaphysical Realism: Themes in the Later Work of Paul Feyerabend’. Third Joint Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop, University College London, 20 June.
- ‘Feyerabend and the Humanitarian Criticism Of Science’. ScienceFutures, Centre for the History of Knowledge (ETH Zurich and University of Zurich) and the Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology and Society (STS-CH), ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, 6-9 February.
- ‘Managing Complexity: A Brief History of Modelling in the Physical and Human Sciences’. Ustinov Seminar/Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Durham, 3 November.•
- ‘Feyerabend on Classificatory Pluralism’. Nature and its Classification, AHRC Metaphysics of Science Project, University of Birmingham, 13-14 October.
- 'Perception and Rhetoric in the Public Understanding of Science', Yorkshire and the North-East AHRC-funded Doctoral Training Programme conference, University of Sheffield, 18 June.
- ‘Science, Environment, and Culture’. Ustinov Seminar/Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Durham, 28 April.•
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"Bright-siding, narrative, and epistemic injustice"
- TBC, Spiritual Alienation and the Quest for God, University of Florida, 2-3 June.*